The Birth Of Quantum Energy
Dr. Peal has had a very busy and exciting year traveling and teaching. So many words of wisdom have been given by the Angelics, and many changes have happen energetically for your benefit. The rare opportunity to see the full year in review was like nothing we have done before, and was really an eye opener to see it all laid out before in one evening. The Zoom lasted over 4 hrs! There were 350+ slides in the presentation, so it was a very in-depth look at 2024, plus all the current information to date. Of course there was dowsing and energy checks the Zoom. So many energy issues were looked at, and balanced out upon addressing the real problem, not the symptom.. Dr. Peal did reagent tunings with the latest Divinely Downloaded Reagents using her stacked singing bowls for everyone present. After the Zoom was complete the Angels told me that the presentation was to be made into a book for people to learn and grow with. I guess I will be writing again. It has been quite some time since the Angels have asked me to write a book. I don't write unless I am asked to write. This one is going to be a great one as it will be introducing the topic of: The Birth of Quantum Energy. This book will cover and combine the spiritual, Angelic words, Divinely Downloaded Reagents, Holistic Health, Spiritual Warfare, and everything in between. There will really be nothing out there like it, so it should be fun to write. Of course, as the topics are being added, I'm sure that there will be further comentary by the Angelics on each topic. It should be interesting to hear what they have to say. This very revealing book should be available in 2025!
The theme for the last 2 weeks has been one of trusting 100% your Father In Heaven. Let go of fear and move forward! As the energy continues to increase, we too must up our game, and do life differently. Stop doing the same ole things, and expecting things to turn out differently! That is the definition of insanity. Stop holding on to the past, let go of fear, forgive and forget, breathe, breathe, breathe! From what I have seen and the Angels have said, what comes next is truly going to be amazing! The Angels say that 2025 is going to be 2024 on steriods! Thats a really wonderful thing!
If you haven't ever made one of my in person workshops, you should really try to make one in 2025 as they are really life changing events!
Above are the opportunities scheduled, with more dates being added. Stayed Tuned for all the new teaching dates for 2025 "Quantum Energy & The Human Body." It is truly going to be an amazing year ahead of us. Like and follow on facebook, for the latest updates on everything Quantum Energy Related. Sign up on the email list and receive emails on the upcoming 2025 classes and current news or follow the blog.
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Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Dr. Peal