337-477-7423 CST USA
Radionics Business for teaching, and speaking, specializing in custom reagents.

WOW! Is the only word to describe the classes Dr. Peal has hosted thus far! The amount of energy is flowing like never before. Check out Dr. Peal's Blog: Energy Updates or attend one of her Classes to receive the latest updates in how the energies are changing and how to utilize them. The shift to scalar energy has revealed all new information! Don't miss your opportunity to attend one of these life changing classes near you!
Dr. Peal is presenting the latest in Divinely Downloaded Radionic Reagents, Teaching and refining Dowsing, and delivering the latest words from the Angels. In the latest section of this new class is the Energy Flow & The Healing Process. The body should always be in a state of abundance Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Ethereally. However the healing and functioning process has been segmented to prioritize some areas to the neglect of other areas. Join Dr. Peal in one of these life changing classes and remember how to reclaim yourself wholly! Email today for the latest dates and further information. Or better yet, go to the products page and sign up! See you there.
Due to Dr. Peal's traveling schedule the online Monthly Zoom Tunes classes
have been paused we will post online when those classes resume.
Wholistic Solutions
Dr. Peal ND is a full time Naturopathic Doctor with 30 years experience in natural techniques, and frequency, and now scalar therapies. Radionics is the next wave of the future. Contact me to find out more about how you can set up a personal consultation.
337-477-7423 CST US
Contact me for an initial consultation.